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The 1965年高等教育法, as amended by the 2008年高等教育机会法案,包括许多披露和报告要求. 披露要求是指高等教育机构被要求向另一方分发或提供的信息, such as students or employees. 报告要求是提交给美国的信息.S. 教育部或其他机构. 披露和报告要求有时会重叠. For certain topics, 各院校必须向学生或其他人提供信息,并将信息提交给教育部. 这些信息包括一般的机构运作, financial aid, 一般完成率和毕业率, annual security report, 学生运动员的完成率和毕业率, 体育项目参与率和财政支持.

澳门新葡京网站致力于促进获取信息的原则,这将允许消费者,如学生, parents, counselors, researchers, and legislators make informed decisions about postsecondary education. This Web portal provides a single access point to all federally mandated reports and disclosures.

个人有责任了解并遵循部门和大学层面的现行要求和程序. For additional information, 包括索取任何材料的纸质副本, 请致电或发电子邮件给相应的办公室.

实施消费者信息立法规定的最终条例可从 Federal Register. Below is a list of disclosures provided by CIU pursuant to these regulations.

General Institutional Information

Privacy of Student Records — 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA)

Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040

The 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) allows present and future students to have access to their individual educational records, 为他们的记录提供基本的隐私保护, and allows them to request that certain “directory information” be kept confidential. 的附加信息 FERPA给予学生的权利.


联系人:学术服务主任| | (803) 807-5612

有关残疾学生的设施和服务的说明可在CIU查阅 Academic Success Center.

Student Diversity

Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051

CIU annually calculates information relating to the diversity of its students. The most recent information available is for the 2020–2021 academic year: Student Profile Data 2020.pdf

Cost of Attendance

澳门新葡京娱乐:资助主任|邮箱: | Phone: (803) 807-5036

Available for Undergraduates, Graduates, and Online Students.

Net Price Calculator

澳门新葡京娱乐:资助主任|邮箱: | Phone: (803) 807-5036

CIU provides the Net Price Calculator to help determine the costs of attendance and financial aid eligibility.

Textbook Information

Contact: CIU Bookstore

CIU通过网站提供教科书信息 bookstore website. The textbook information includes title, author, edition ISBN, price, etc., when available.


Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040

Information for transfer students is available online. Detailed transfer student policies are also available. Articulation agreements are found under “Educational Opportunities” in the academic catalog.


Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040

各种教育项目的信息, instructional facilities and faculty may be found in the most recent academic catalog. Faculty contact information is also found on the website.


Contact: Provost | Email: | Phone: (803) 807-5027

澳门新葡京网站获得南方学院和学校协会委员会(SACSCOC)的认可,授予准学士学位, baccalaureate, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees. 澳门新葡京网站也可以提供证书和文凭等认可的学位证书. 有关澳门新葡京网站认证的问题可以写信给南方学院和学校协会委员会,地址是1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, 或使用SACSCOC网站(

A list of accrediting organizations 认证CIU或特定项目的网站都可以在网上找到.

South Carolina — State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SC-SARA)

Contact: Provost | Email: | Phone: (803) 807-5027

CIU致力于扩大学生获得其教育产品的机会,并提供优秀的学生支持. Through membership in SARA, 自愿的州际互惠协议, CIU is able to provide high-quality online programs to students nationwide.

SC CHE作为SARA的州门户机构,是SARA相关投诉的最终权威机构. If an SC resident or online program student wishes to file a complaint, he or she may submit the 学生投诉及程序表格.


Contact: Library Director | | (803) 807-5104

The library director is responsible for issues related to copyright infringement. View CIU’s copyright infringement policy.

Computer Use and File Sharing

Contact: IT Director | | (803) 807-5180

Specific information related to computer use and file sharing is available in our IT Acceptable Use Policy.

College Navigator

College Navigator 一个免费的消费者信息工具是用来帮助学生的吗, parents, high school counselors, 还有一些人获取高等教育机构的信息.

Student Activities

联系人:院长与校园团结| | (803) 807-5234

Please visit the Student Life 浏览本网站有关活动的资料, 有关CIU的组织和一般信息.


联系人:教育学院院长| | (803) 807-5328


View annual reports:

Academic Programs by CIP Code

在这里你会发现CIU的学术课程与 教学计划(CIP)代码分类.

Student Loan Statistics

Cohort Default Rates

OPE ID School   FY2017 FY2016 FY2015
003429 Columbia International University
7435 Monticello Road
Columbia SC 29203-1599
Default Rate 10.6 4.2 2.6
No. in Default 22 9 6
No. in Repay 207 210 226
Enrollment figures

Percentage Calculation







N/A National Average Default Rate 9.7 10.1 10.8

注册:为了提供队列违约率(CDR)数据的上下文,我们包括了注册数据(在一年中任何时间注册的学生)和相应的百分比(输入还款的借款人除以注册数字). 虽然借款人开始还款的时间(10月1日至9月30日)与任何特定的入学年份之间没有直接关系, for the purpose of these data, 我们选择使用在队列学年开始前的6月30日结束的学年(e.g.2017财年CDR年将采用2015-2016年招生).

Students Receiving Federal Loans



Health and Safety


联系人:院长与校园团结| | (803) 807-5234

Information related to the university’s drug and alcohol abuse program may be found in the Drug-Free Campus brochure. 这些信息适用于整个大学社区, including students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus.


Contact: School Nurse | | (803) 807-5056


For students taking courses on the CIU campus during a regular semester, 以下要求适用:

  • 1. 1956年以后出生的学生必须提供麻疹和风疹免疫证明,包括官方免疫记录或免疫血滴度测试证明.
  • 2. 所有学生必须提供在入学前一年内完成的结核病(TB)皮肤筛查测试证明.
  • 3. All students must provide proof of insurance coverage or purchase a policy available through CIU.

Contact: Campus Security | Email: | Phone: (803) 807-5014

有关CIU公共安全的资料,请参阅我们的 Campus Security Page. 其他资料也可从 U.S. 教育部校园安全与保卫处. Crime statistics are reported to the Department of Education on a yearly basis, and additional information or copies of reports can be obtained from Campus Security.

Emergency Response Procedures regarding Missing Person’s, Violence, or other emergencies.

CIU Alert is an emergency notification system that notifies faculty, staff, 学生和其他人通过使用短信了解影响校园的重要信息和情况, 语音留言到多个电话号码, email and more. This system makes immediate notifications across campus without delay.

Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics and Fire Log (On-Campus Housing Facilities)

Contact: Campus Security | Email: | Phone: (803) 807-5014
CIU provides an annual report which includes the campus fire safety policies, the number of fire drills, 以及校内宿舍发生的火灾事故. 本报告可从 U.S. 教育部校园安全与保卫处.


Student Success (Persistence and Graduation Rates, Placement in Employment)

Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051

The Office of Institutional Research annually reports measures of student achievement. These measures include first-year persistence and graduation rates for new degree-seeking undergraduates.

安置信息收集自 designated professional programs.

General information about student outcomes is provided at the US Department of Education’s College Scoreboard.

Program Outcomes
Seminary & 咨询效能学院

Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051

CIU提供一份年度报告,其中包括在CIU神学院完成学位的平均年数 & School of Counseling. This report can be found here: Student Achievement Data 2020.pdf

校际体育项目参与率 & 财政支持数据(体育权益披露法)

Contact: Athletic Director | | (803) 807-5004

《澳门新葡京网址》要求高等教育的男女合校机构参与第四章, 联邦学生财政援助计划, 还有校际体育项目, to prepare an annual report to the Department of Education on athletic participation, staffing, 以及男女队的收入和支出. 该部门将利用这些信息编写提交给国会的关于校际体育运动中性别平等的报告.

Equity in Athletics Data

The equity in athletics site provides data from thousands of colleges and universities in a convenient searchable form.

Voter Registration

联系人:院长与校园团结| | (803) 807-5234

CIU, 作为联邦第四章学生援助计划的参与者, is required to advise you that voter registration forms are available in the Student Life office. 你必须在任何选举前30天登记.

Student Financial Assistance

Financial Aid Office Contact

澳门新葡京娱乐:资助主任|邮箱: | Phone: (803) 807-5036

Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Paper copies of this information are available from the Financial Aid Office, 电话:(803)807-5036或

Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information
Financial Aid Office
Administration Building
Columbia International University
7435 Monticello Road
Columbia, SC 29203

(803) 807-5036


A conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which a student was receiving Title IV, HEA Program (federal) funds, 根据任何涉及拥有或销售非法毒品的联邦法律,将导致失去任何第四章的资格, HEA grant, 贷款或勤工俭学援助(高等教育委员会. 484(r)(1)); (20 U.S.C. 1091(r)(1)).


Available at federal direct loans and federal PLUS loans.

Loan Repayment and Deferment


学生和家长的联邦学生贷款记录将提交给国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS),并将由担保机构访问, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. 学生和家长可以在网站查看他们的贷款记录 NSLDS website.


CIU does not recommend, promote or endorse lenders for private education loans.

Types of Aid

Federal Aid Programs

Columbia International University participates in the following Federal student aid programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)
  • Federal Work Study Program
  • 联邦斯塔福德贷款补贴和无补贴
  • Federal PLUS Loan

State Aid Programs

  • 南卡罗来纳学费补助(基于需要)
  • South Carolina HOPE
  • South Carolina LIFE
  • South Carolina Palmetto Fellows

州基于需求的学生援助项目也使用FAFSA的结果来确定是否有资格获得州基金. 国家援助的截止日期在FAFSA上公布.

其他国家援助计划的信息可在 NASFAA.

CIU Scholarships & Grants

所有已完成FAFSA的学生, been accepted to CIU and have completed their financial aid file will be evaluated for 优秀奖学金和CIU助学金. Scholarships and grants are awarded on first come, first served basis and funds are limited. New and current students will be contacted via email after they have completed their FAFSA.

CIU Endowed Scholarships

CIU的朋友和校友为奖学金捐款. 发展办公室与学生金融服务部门一起监督捐赠奖学金计划,并可以回答有关过程和个人奖学金的问题. Scholarships are awarded in the spring to be used for the next academic year. Currently enrolled students receive notice of the application process via email. 这些奖学金确实要求学生写一封感谢信,并参加春季学期的午宴. As college costs continue to rise CIU appreciates the private support for our students.


Steps students need to take to apply for financial aid.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Financial aid is disbursed by releasing two payments over the academic year (one each semester). At the time of disbursement the student must still meet eligibility requirements (academic progress, expected enrollment, financial eligibility, etc.). 在开学前10天内不能将资金存入学生账户. 资金首先用于大学学费和住宿费. 如果学生援助资金超过账户费用,将在支付后14天内支付给学生(或父母,如果是父母的贷款). 如果学生或家长希望在上课第一天的七天内取消贷款,他/她可以向学生金融服务办公室提交贷款取消表格. 学生可以与商务办公室安排,将学生账户中多余的资金通过电子转账自动转到他们的银行账户.


Federal Work Study

Federal Work Study provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, 允许他们赚钱来帮助支付教育费用.



Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid

Tuition Payment Policy and Refund Schedule and Credit Balance Policy


要查看学生的权利和责任,请阅读 terms and conditions and the CIU Student Handbook.
