
第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. 性骚扰, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by 第九条.

哥伦比亚 International University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination based on sex and provides resources and services to assist students, faculty and staff in addressing issues involving sex discrimination, including sexual violence.

性暴力, 性骚扰, 跟踪 and relationship violence have a profound impact on a victim's academic, 社会, 工作, 个人生活, and negatively affects victims' friends and families, 其他学生, 同事, and members of the university community. To combat this complex problem, CIU provides resources and educational programs designed to prevent sexual violence and other acts of sexual misconduct, including 性骚扰, provide information about what to do when an incident has occurred, and increase awareness of campus and community resources for support and response.

Victims of sexual violence, 性骚扰, 跟踪, and relationship violence are encouraged to seek support and report the incident. CIU has appointed a 第九条 Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators to oversee CIU’s response to 第九条 complaints, develop training and education programs/materials for faculty, staff and students, as well as monitor the effectiveness of CIU’s 第九条 compliance efforts.

If a person believes that a violation has occurred, please report it to the appropriate CIU office listed below. CIU will not tolerate any form of retaliation towards a person reporting a violation.

Please review CIU's 第九条 Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, and Stalking Policy.

CIU provides training related to 第九条 through resources available at this link: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/titleix-training-materials

第九条 Coordinator:

Dr. 吉姆Lanpher, Office of the Provost, 哥伦比亚 International University, 7435 Monticello Road, 哥伦比亚, SC 29203. (803) 807-5027 e-mail: TitleIXCoordinator@qhxnjn.com

第九条 Deputy Coordinators:

Employee related compliance matters:

琼斯不, Director of Human Resources, 哥伦比亚 International University, 7435 Monticello Road, 哥伦比亚, SC 29203. (803) 807-5009 e-mail: 不.jones@qhxnjn.com

体育运动-related compliance matters:

金艾伯特, Assistant 体育运动 Director, 哥伦比亚 International University, 7435 Monticello Road, 哥伦比亚, SC 29203. (803) 807-5248 e-mail: 金.abbott@qhxnjn.com

Student and general compliance matters:

Dr. 安德烈·罗杰斯, Dean of Students and Campus Unity, 哥伦比亚 International University, 7435 Monticello Road, 哥伦比亚, SC 29203. (803) 807-5607 e-mail: 安德烈.rogers@qhxnjn.com